Challenger Supplier - Warm Homes Discount

Challenger Supplier – Warm Homes Discount

Successful growth meant that our client was approaching the 250,000 customers threshold beyond which various additional licence obligations become effective.  This required them to participate in the Warm Homes Discount Scheme which provides financial assistance to people in vulnerable situations and to the fuel poor.

Our consultants understand the regularity obligations on suppliers and how the various social and environmental schemes that they are required to participate in operate.  Our project managers are experienced in preparing suppliers for such schemes and implementing them within the business.

We worked collaboratively across the various business areas, facilitating workshops and providing expert industry advice.  We produced the overall delivery plan and approach, set up third party arrangements, drafted internal and external operational processes, supported internal and external awareness initiatives and liaised with Ofgem regarding the regulatory returns.

Our involvement made the transition into the Warm Home Discount scheme as simple as possible for our client, enabling them to meet their obligations efficiently, on time, and bring the valuable scheme benefits to their customers.

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